
Pure signal.

Sometimes the truth prevails

Well — I am exited. A question that I have been pursuing for sometime has come to a resolution thanks to the input from Steve Sailer — who is someone I am not allowed to agree with since he is kind of conservative leaning and I am kind of liberal leaning. However I have been forced to submit to his domineering mind by the power of truth. (Reference to Socrates is deliberate.)

The argument, evidence and associated discussion is provided — but you have to actually read the comments (which is where the meaty part played out.) — here — on an earlier page of my blog.

And I would like to thank Steve for caring enough about the subject to read and think and formulate an argument instead of just walking around spewing an opinion that may or may not be based on nothing.

September 7, 2008 - Posted by | People who fucking Rock

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